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All that glitters is not gold

                    Explanation and context of the quote “All That Glitters Is Not Gold”

     “A beautiful face doesn’t mean anything with the beautiful heart.”

                Gold is one of the precious metals. The color of it is bright yellow. But there are cheap metals such as tinsel and bras which also look equally bright yellow. So, sometimes we become confused to find the correct one. Thus this proverb tells that things are not always what they seem. Both human beings and things may look outwardly attractive but it does not mean that they are really very valuable in present life.

                  A well-dressed man with polished manners may look like a gentleman but in real life may be a cheater or a thief. One who professes great friendship for us may be false of heart and even betray us. This proverb teaches us a great lesson. This proverb teaches us a great lesson. A thing should not be judged by its outward appearance only. Its value should be judged by his deeds. We should be too much conscious to find out the actual wickedness of the person.

                    Eg. Mother Teresa had a very siple appearance but the people of all over the world remember and respect her due to her deeds. We ought to never permit ourselves to be stunned by the glossy appearance of something that shines like gold. Instead, we should try to collect full knowledge to grasp the real nature of people, thing, or situation. We need to sort fact from fiction.

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